Pros Another class with a variety of WoW cataclysm Gold options that can play the role of a warrior or rogue, as well as a the healer second within the group. Shapeshifting provides a varied experience.
In the absence of a specialization, they can't be the best at more than particular thing.
The druid class is sort like a jack-of-all trades, however in a different manner than the shaman. Like the shaman it incorporates melee skills into a healing/offense spellcaster class, but instead of using totems an option of buffing your team and debuffing adversaries, the druid has the advantage of being capable of changing shape into cat and bear forms. This allows the druid the roles of the warrior tank (in bear form) or as an damaged dealer rogue (in feline form) in addition to the healer/offensive spellcaster who is secondary in the humanoid form.
There are, of course, WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale some limitations with these abilities. The most notable of which is that you aren't able to perform your regular Druid spells when you're being shapeshifted. You'll have only a few basic abilities that you can use when you're shapeshifted, and they're generally the same as those of the classes to which have the same shape. The cat version even has an identical combo-point/finisher mechanism like the rogues use. Of of course, you don't have to be as proficient in the role of warrior or rogue like a true warrior or rogue as you won't have any abilities that are comparable to the skills of the Taunt or Sap of these classes, for example - however, you could be a substitute for one of them.