WoW cataclysm Gold said that one thing that stood out for him was the realization that all of the thirty or so avatars that sat around at a forge for crafting during Ultima Online were controlled by an real person. The same sentiments were confirmed when EverQuest arrived and provided the possibility of a more intimate connection between the players, WoW Cataclysm Classic said. The game's designer ought to know since he was the head of one of the top guilds in EverQuest, the Legacy of Steel, during the first decade of 2000.

"The bad thing about the games of the time was that you needed to be a very intense player to reach this level of excitement," WoW Cataclysm Classic continued. "But the fun was so rich and satisfying that we thought, "hey If we could just expand this to a wider range of players, there could be something special here."

Blizzard chief designer Jeff Kaplan assumed control of WoW Cataclysm Classic's guild following the Blizzard executive decided to leave EverQuest to focus on to finish development of WoW Cataclysm Classic. In 2002 Kaplan was hired to assist in the development of the initial WOW and stated that it was not an difficult task to change the character from its RTS origins to an RPG setting.

"It needed a major shift in the way that we operate," Kaplan said. "You can do many aspects in an RTS with very different motives as you do within an MMO. In relation to story, if we consider the conclusion of the first Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale, you've seen the humans as well as orcs and night elves collaborating to take on Archimonde on the World Tree. This didn't fit with the design of the MMO to begin with. We knew we wanted Horde and Alliance opposing each other. We needed to recreate the rift which went all the way to first orcs and humans."